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February 02, 2011


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Dream is gorgeous when the fact is unmerciful. Sometimes fate is in we have hors , but we only can't alter it.

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Candlelit dinners replete with a fine bottle of wine, diamonds, roses or imported chocolates. NOTE TO MEN: If you haven't planned or purchased something from this list, you're more than likely going to have a horrifying night (and you won’t get lucky either) this Feb. 14th. Why? Because unrealistic expectations are not just about women, but men too. We all fall into the Valentine’s Day trap and beyond. The problem with romantic fantasy is that it starts long before our first big Valentine's purchase or even before our first kiss. We've been hearing the “happily-ever-after” fairy tales since we were in kindergarten and we've grown up with a steady diet of the diamonds-are-forever commercials.

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Well said. Lots of people despair when they don't have a date for V-day or won't receive any present or go to a romantic dinner. What really matters is V-day is a celebration of love and that doesn't mean that you have to spend a great deal just to make your partner happy. Remember that your presence is the best present.

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Our ability to establish and maintain nurturing intimate relationships is not only gratifying, it nourishes us and ultimately helps keep us sane. Our survival as a species requires that we seek connections with others and open our own inner world to them.

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I can't stand valentine's day. it's too commercialized. people are just out to make money.

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